# combination of dose rate and precipitation, Yamakiya, Kawamata, Fukushima # dose rate data file loading from http://radioactivity.nsr.go.jp/map/ja/download.html # precipitation data file loading from AMEDAS # data cleaning using lookup is needed for adjusting missing values aaa <- read.csv("data.csv") ndata<- nrow(aaa) # converting the format, from daily data to every 10 minutes data bbb <- array(dim=c(ndata*24*6,2)) #every 10 minutes # number of days from June to December, 2012 n <- 30+31+31+30+31+30+31 for(i in 1:n) { bbb[1+6*24*(i-1),1] <- aaa[i,1] bbb[1+6*24*(i-1),2] <- aaa[i,2] } write.csv(bbb,"bbb.csv")