file = air_scatter.inp $ for auto run by using a script [ T i t l e ] input file for calculate transmission ration of Concrete(2.35,2.10 g/cm3), Lead(11.34 g/cm3) and iron(7.86 g/cubic cm) [ P a r a m e t e r s ] icntl = 0 # (D=0) 3:ECH 5:NOR 6:SRC 7,8:GSH 11:DSH 12:DUMP maxcas = 1e7 # (D=10) number of particles per one batch maxbch = 1e1 # (D=10) number of batches negs = 1 # (D=-1) =-1:original, =0:No, =1:EGS file(1) =/Users/ichiro/phits # (D=c:/phits) PHITS install folder name file(6) = phits.out # (D=phits.out) general output file name file(20) = /Users/ichiro/phits/XS/egs # (D=c:/phits/XS/egs) EGS library data folder rseed = 0 # (D=0) random number control option, Use rseed as initial random seed istdev = 0 # Control parameter for statistical uncertainty calculation type and restart mode, -2: Restart calculation mode, -1: Restart calculation mode, 0: istdev is automatically set to 1, 1:new calculation. Statistical uncertainties are estimated from the standard deviation of each batch result, 2: A new calculation. Statistical uncertainties are estimated from the standard deviation of each history result. emin(12) = 1.00E-01 # (D=1.d9) cut-off energy of electron (MeV) emin(13) = 1.00E-01 # (D=1.d9) cut-off energy of positron (MeV) emin(14) = 1.00E-02 # (D=1.d9) cut-off energy of photon (MeV) dmax(12) = 1.1E+1 # (D=emin(12)) data max. energy of electron (MeV) dmax(13) = 1.1E+1 # (D=emin(13)) data max. energy of positron (MeV) dmax(14) = 1.1E+1 # (D=emin(14)) data max. energy of photon $ Determine FS , SSD and Collimeter position giometry set: c1[20] $ Enter the FS (Field size) at phantom surface [cm] set: c2[100] $ Enter the SSD ( Source Surface Distance) [cm] set: c3[200] $ width of room[cm] set: c4[200] $ depth of room set: c5[200] $ height of room set: c6[0.2] $ thickness of shield set: c7[20.0] $ thickness of wall [ S o u r c e ] s-type = 1 # mono-energetic axial source(to be modified to adapt energy distribution) proj = photon # kind of incident particle dir = 1.0 # z-direction of beam [cosine] r0 = 0. # radius [cm](to be adapted actual setting) z0 = -50. # minimum position of z-axis [cm](to be adapted actual setting) z1 = -50. # maximum position of z-axis [cm](to be adapted actual setting) dom = atan(((c1)/2*sqrt(2))/c2)*180/PI # spreads out of the beam [degree](to be adapted actual setting) infl: {120_2_5mmAl.inp} [ M a t e r i a l ] mat[1] N 8 O 2 $ Air 1.20e-3 g/cm3 mat[2] H 0.0056 O 0.4983 Na 0.0171 Mg 0.0024 Al 0.0456 Si 0.3158 S 0.0012 K 0.0192 Ca 0.0826 Fe 0.0122 $ Conc 2.35 g/cm3 mat[3] H 2 O 1 $ water 1.10 g/cm3 mat[4] Pb 1 $ Lead 11.34 g/cm3 mat[5] Fe 1 $ Iron 7.86 g/cm3 MAT[ 6 ] # Polyethylene (0.9 g/cm3) 12C 2.0000000E+00 1H 4.0000000E+00 [ Mat Name Color ] mat name color 1 Air pastelblue 2 Concrete2.35g/cm3 gray 3 water orangeyellow 4 Lead pastelcyan 5 Iron darkred [ S u r f a c e ] 2 rpp -c3/2 c3/2 -c4/2 c4/2 -c5/2 c5/2 3 rpp -c3/2-c7 c3/2+c7 -c4/2-c7 c4/2+c7 -c5/2-c7 c5/2+c7 8 RCC 50 0 50+(80-50)/2 0.2 0 0 1.0 9 rpp 50.0 80.0 -12.0 12.0 50.0 80.0 10 rpp 50.0+c6 80.0-c6 -12.0+c6 12.0-c6 50.0+c6 80.0-c6 11 RCC 0 0 50+(80-50)/2-5 0 0 10 8 [ C e l l ] 200 3 -1.0 -11 202 2 -2.35 -3 2 302 1 -1.20e-3 -2 9 11 303 4 -11.34 -9 10 8 305 1 -1.20e-3 -10 306 1 -1.20e-3 -8 999 -1 3 $ Outer region (Vacum) [ T - T r a c k ] title = Track in xyz mesh mesh = xyz # mesh type is xyz scoring mesh x-type = 2 # x-mesh is linear given by xmin, xmax and nx xmin = -120.00000 # minimum value of x-mesh points xmax = 120.000000 # maximum value of x-mesh points nx = 200 # number of x-mesh points y-type = 2 # y-mesh is linear given by ymin, ymax and ny ymin = -11.000000 # minimum value of y-mesh points ymax = 11.000000 # maximum value of y-mesh points ny = 1 # number of y-mesh points z-type = 2 # z-mesh is linear given by zmin, zmax and nz zmin = -120.0000 # minimum value of z-mesh points zmax = 120.00000 # maximum value of z-mesh points nz = 200 # number of z-mesh points e-type = 1 # e-mesh is given by the below data ne = 1 # number of e-mesh points 0.0 1000.0 unit = 1 # unit is [1/cm^2/source] axis = xz # axis of output file = track_xz_photon.out # file name of output for the above axis part = photon gshow = 1 # 0: no 1:bnd, 2:bnd+mat, 3:bnd+reg 4:bnd+lat epsout = 1 # (D=0) generate eps file by ANGEL [END]