
No. 424 放射線源の収納容器の遮へいに関する要求事項


記事作成日:2022/11/03 最終更新日: 2024/01/11



第三十条の三 診療用放射線照射装置は、次に掲げる障害防止の方法を講じたものでなければならない。
一 放射線源の収納容器は、照射口が閉鎖されているときにおいて、一メートルの距離における空気カーマ率が七十マイクログレイ毎時以下になるようにしやへいすること。

医政発 0315 第4号

3 診療用放射線照射装置の防護(規則第30条の3)

(1) 規則第30条の3第1号に規定する放射線源の収納容器に関する空気カーマ率とは、照射口が閉鎖されているときの空気カーマ率であること。 なお、照射時における容器のしゃへいについては、可能な限り患者が不必要な被ばくを受けないよう、当該装置の特性に応じて適切に対応すること。


§ 36.25 Shielding.

(a) The radiation dose rate in areas that are normally occupied during operation of a panoramic irradiator may not exceed 0.02 millisievert (2 millirems) per hour at any location 30 centimeters or more from the wall of the room when the sources are exposed. The dose rate must be averaged over an area not to exceed 100 square centimeters having no linear dimension greater than 20 cm. Areas where the radiation dose rate exceeds 0.02 millisievert (2 millirems) per hour must be locked, roped off, or posted.
(b) The radiation dose at 30 centimeters over the edge of the pool of a pool irradiator may not exceed 0.02 millisievert (2 millirems) per hour when the sources are in the fully shielded position.
(c) The radiation dose rate at 1 meter from the shield of a dry-source-storage panoramic irradiator when the source is shielded may not exceed 0.02 millisievert (2 millirems) per hour and at 5 centimeters from the shield may not exceed 0.2 millisievert (20 millirems) per hour.

§ 1020.30 Diagnostic x-ray systems and their major components.
(k)Leakage radiation from the diagnostic source assembly. The leakage radiation from the diagnostic source assembly measured at a distance of 1 meter in any direction from the source shall not exceed 0.88 milligray (mGy) air kerma (vice 100 milliroentgen (mR) exposure) in 1 hour when the x-ray tube is operated at the leakage technique factors. If the maximum rated peak tube potential of the tube housing assembly is greater than the maximum rated peak tube potential for the diagnostic source assembly, positive means shall be provided to limit the maximum x-ray tube potential to that of the diagnostic source assembly. Compliance shall be determined by measurements averaged over an area of 100 square cm with no linear dimension greater than 20 cm.

(l) Radiation from components other than the diagnostic source assembly. The radiation emitted by a component other than the diagnostic source assembly shall not exceed an air kerma of 18 microGy (vice 2 mR exposure) in 1 hour at 5 cm from any accessible surface of the component when it is operated in an assembled x-ray system under any conditions for which it was designed. Compliance shall be determined by measurements averaged over an area of 100 square cm with no linear dimension greater than 20 cm.


Rodriguez Gual M, Mesquita AZ, Ribeiro E, Grossi PA. Shielding Verifications for a Gamma Irradiation Facility Considering the Installation of a New Automatic Product Loading System. Ojovan MI, editor. Sci Technol Nucl Install [Internet]. Hindawi; 2017;2017:7408645.





基発第255号 平成13年3月30日

第3 昭和50年10月20日付け基発第611号「ガンマ線照射装置構造規格を定める告示の施行について」の一部改正について


イ エックス線又はガンマ線のエネルギーが推定できるとき
照射線量(単位 レントゲン)に0.00873を乗じて空気吸収線量(単位 グレイ)を求めた後、当該空気吸収線量に昭和63年労働省告示第94号(以下「告示第94号」という。)別表第2に掲げるエックス線又はガンマ線のエネルギーに応じた「空気吸収線量1グレイ当たりの線量当量」を乗じて、H1cm、H3mm及びH70μm(単位 シーベルト)に換算する。


ICRP Publication 3

Gamma-ray Sources for Medical Use

(133) Where the gamma-rays only are to be used, the enclosure for the radioactive material shall, whenever practicable, be sufficiently thick to absorb substantially all the beta-rays.

ICRP Publication 5. Handling and Disposal of Radioactive Materials in Hospitals and Medical Research Establishments

(103) Radioactive materials may emit combinations of alpha, beta and gamma radiation, and neutrons. Shielding is not normally required for alpha radiation. Shielding should be provided for gamma-emitting radionuclides to protect not only those who enter the room, but those in adjacent areas. (Information on shielding against gamma-emitting sources is given in ICRP Publication 3).Sources emitting only beta radiation should be stored in containers which will reduce the radiation to negligible levels. It is often convenient to use transparent materials ; 4 to 5 mm of glass or 7to 8 mm of plastic will usually suffice. With very large sources, additional precautions may be needed against Bremsstrahlung. Paraffin or other hydrogenous materials are convenient for neutronshielding. Radium-beryllium sources of neutrons containing up to 100 mCi of radium do not require shielding beyond that provided for gamma radiation. Above 100mCi, additional hydrogenous or other neutron-shielding material will usually be needed. (See ICRP Publication 4–Report of Committee IV on Protection Against Electromagnetic Radiation above 3 MeV and Electrons, Neutrons and Protons.)


No. 233 手持ちタイプの歯科用X線装置


医療放射線の適正管理に関する検討会(第2回 2023年1月26日)



