IAEAのRPOPウェブサイト更新情報 No. 52

Dear Colleagues,
The RPOP website has been updated as:

1. Training material

Radiation Protection in Digital Radiology available for Free download

2. Latest News

* Translated versions of ICRP Publication on Radiological Protection in Medicine available for free download
Radiological Protection in Medicineの日本語版が利用可能になっています。
* Automated extraction of radiation dose information from CT dose report images
Further reading on related workで紹介されている論文の著者であるLin先生は日本の大学院を卒業されています。
* Patient information on Radiation Protection in Computed Tomography (Spanish)

3. Latest literature

Upcoming events update

IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-46

Radiation Protection and Safety in Medical Uses of Ionizing Radiation

Radiation Safety Culture Trait Talks

Radiation Safety: Trait Talks handbook

記事作成日:2011/06/16 最終更新日: 2023/08/23