RPOP website 更新情報(2010年12月20日)と2010年のサイト運営まとめ

IAEAのRPOP ウェブサイトが更新されSmart Card/SmartRadTrack Project 会合と医療被ばくの正当化に関するテクニカルミーティングの報告が掲載されています。

Latest News:

Report of the IAEA Smart Card/SmartRadTrack Project meeting

Report of meeting on justification of medical exposure

Spanish version of the training material on Prevention of Accidental Exposure in Radiotherapy available for Free download

Upcoming Events

Latest Literature

brief round of 2010

1. The RPOP website received an average of 0.75 million hits/month (nearly 10 million/year) through about 12000 absolute unique visitors each month in 2010 which is *50% increase over 2009*.


2. It continued to appear on First page of Google (or Yahoo…) search and normally on top of first page with most commonly searched terms in medical radiation protection.

GoogleやYahooなどでmedical radiation protectionで検索すると、2010年も最初の頁に表示され、通常、最上位に表示された。

3. A new section that was added in 2010 was Information for patients


4. Other new pages were on radiation protection in gastroenterology (English, Spanish and Portuguese), Urology, Orthopaedic surgery


5. New training material in Spanish language was added and a number of publications


6. Networks of gastroenterologists in radiation protection and on radiation protection of children were created


7. A position statement on release of patients after radionuclide therapy was released


8. A number of latest news items were posted


9. Smart Card/SmartRadTrack project concept was published in Lancet and IAEA cataract studies were published

Smart Card/SmartRadTrackプロジェクトのコンセプトがLancetで出版され、IAEA cataract研究の成果も公表された。


Africa, Asia, Latin America or North America, Europe, Pacificの全てを合わせると188の国の地域からアクセスがあった。
2010年のRPOPへのアクセス数トップ10は USA, UK, Canada, India, Australia, Malaysia, Spain, Philippines, Germany and Japanであった。

Ten reasons that make RPOP website UNIQUE

記事作成日:2010/12/01 最終更新日: 2015/07/24