用語 あ/A

ALPS treated water
ALPS treated water


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

The safety of the discharge of ALPS treated water
What is ALPS treated water?




Why is it appropriate to discharge ALPS treated water into the sea? | MOFA

Press Releases

Request for Discussions under the RCEP Agreement on China’s Measures to Suspend Imports of all Aquatic Products originating in Japan
Submission of Japan’s Counterargument to the WTO against China’s notification of emergency measures

METI: Nuclear Accident Response Office, Electricity and Gas Industry Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy

ALPS Treated Water


ALPS treated water Q&A

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Fisheries Agency
Results of the monitoring on radioactivity level in fishery products


ALPS Treated Water Marine Monitoring Information

Portal site

Health Effects of Radiation: 5 Themes


BOOKLET to Provide Basic Information Regarding Health Effects of Radiation

ALPS Treated Water

ALPS Treated Water - Purification of Contaminated Water -

Nuclear Regulation Authority

ALPS treated water discharge related materials

Reconstruction Agency

The plan, the science and the safety: Discharging ALPS treated water


Analysis of ALPS treated water as third-party

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.

Treated water portal site
What TEPCO would like to convey regarding ALPS treated water


I will answer questions from you


IAEA Initiates First Practical Steps of Additional Measures at Sea Near Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Japan’s ALPS Treated Water Release Continues to Meet International Safety Standards, IAEA Task Force Confirms in New Report
IAEA Confirms Tritium Level in Seawater from Kitaizumi Beach Far Below Japan’s Limit

Fukushima Daiichi ALPS Treated Water Discharge

Real time monitoring

Data from Fukushima Daiichi ALPS Treated Water Discharge


Fukushima Daiichi ALPS Treated Water Discharge - FAQs

Press release

Japan’s ALPS Treated Water Release is Progressing as Planned, IAEA Task Force Says
Tritium Level in Fifth Batch of ALPS Treated Water Far Below Japan s Operational Limit, IAEA Confirms Japan Informs IAEA About Corrosion of Tanks Holding ALPS Treated Water, Confirms No Structural Impact or Risk to Safety
IAEA Presents Monitoring Data from Japan on Treated Water Release from Fukushima Daiichi
IAEA Holds First Meeting of International Task Force Set Up to Review Safety of Fukushima Treated Water Release


Why 1,500 Bq/L ?

The Japanese government has taken actions in accordance with the documents of international organizations regarding the release of treated water containing radioactive materials into the environment, and these actions have been confirmed by international organizations.

In order to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment and the reputational damage, Japan has set a maximum tritium concentration (1,500 Bq/l) for the discharge and a total annual tritium discharge limit (22 TBq per year).

IAEA Comprehensive Report on the Safety Review of the Alps-Treated Water at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station


Note: The dose due to effluent water assumes that 2 liters of effluent water with the maximum discharge limit and the highest concentration of the sum of the ratios to the concentration limits of each nuclide were drunk daily at the drain.

This concentration applies to any liquid discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station based on its independent on-site analysis. In designating Fukushima Daiichi NPS as a Specific Nuclear Facility additional effective dose at the site boundaries should be less than 1 mSv/y, considering "dose due to direct and skyshine radiation," "dose due to gases," and "dose due to liquids"

Effective dose from effluent water is the sum of:
* water discharge (0.22mSv/y; discharged water such as bypassed groundwater and subdrain treated water) and
* water sprinkle within the site (0.075mSv/y; sprinkled water such as rainwater and treated Unit 5/6 stagnant water).


According to Japanese rules, the concentration of tritium in effluent water is 60,000 Bq/l

  • The radioactive concentration limit for tritium in effluent water discharged from facilities in Japan is 60,000 Bq/l.
  • 60,000 Bq/l is the concentration that would result in a committed effective dose of 1 mSv for one year of ingestion if 2 l of water at that concentration were drunk every day.

Suspension Level for Discharge

    • Suspension Level for Discharge is 700 Bq/l at vicinity of the discharge point (10 points within 3 km of the discharge point at FDNPS) and 30 B/L at outside the vicinity of the discharge point (4 points in a 10 km x 10 km area around the discharge point)
    • Investigation Level is 350 Bq/liter



Japan Health Physics Society

53rd JHPS Annual Meeting, JHPS organized a special symposium, “How do we find the solution to radiological protection of tritium water?”
Ichiro Yamaguchi. What Can Radiation Protection Experts Contribute to the Issue of the Treated Water Stored in the Damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant?. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research. 2021, Vol.46, No.1, p.24.

Existing exposure situation or planned exposure situation

Japan has not incorporated dose constraints into its laws and regulations.
Dose constraints is not a concept that applies to existing exposure situations.

The relevant international safety standards require the establishment of dose constraints as part of the process for optimization of protection for any planned exposure situation. For the discharge of the ALPS treated water, the establishment of a prospective and discharge-related restriction on the individual dose attributable to the discharge, provides a basic level of protection for the most highly exposed individuals due to the discharge, and serves as an upper bound on the dose in the optimization of protection for the discharge.

After discussions between the Task Force and METI/TEPCO during the first mission, the Task Force noted that the concept of a dose constraint does not exist in Japanese law.Following discussions with the Task Force, NRA confirmed that the criterion of 0.05 mSv per year established by NRA for the discharge of ALPS treated water – which is the operational target for nuclear power stations in Japan – could be interpreted as a dose constraint. Paragraph 5.16 of GSG-9 [9] states that “in practical terms, dose constraints should be selected within the range of 0.1 to less than 1 mSv in a year”. With this in mind, the Task Force noted that the selected dose constraint of 0.05 mSv per year is below this range and is therefore conservative.

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Food Safety Express (for Food Trade)

95th Issue (12/2023)

Japanese Law

Japanese Law Translation

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Information on the Great East Japan Earthquake

Ministry of the Environment

ALPS Treated Water Marine Monitoring Information
Health Effects of Radiation: 5 Themes
BOOKLET to Provide Basic Information Regarding Health Effects of Radiation

Cooperation with Fukushima Prefecture, IAEA

Cooperation with Fukushima Prefecture in the area of radiation monitoring and remediation



Zhang S, Liu Z, Yang G, Zheng J, Pan S, Aono T, Sakaguchi A. Rapid Method To Determine 137Cs, 237Np, and Pu Isotopes in Seawater by SF-ICP-MS. Anal Chem. 2023 Nov 21;95(46):16892-16901. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c02702. Epub 2023 Oct 31. PMID: 37906231


Water issues in Fukushima: Science and society beyond magic words


IAEA Director General Statement on a Water Leakage at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station



Social issue



ALPS treated water


過剰診断 overdiagnosis
線量線量率効果 dose and dose rate effectiveness factor: DDREF




ホット・パーティクル hot particle
子孫核種 progeny nuclide
余命損失 Loss of life expectancy
県民健康調査 Fukushima Health Survey
安定ヨウ素剤 stable iodine tablets
サブマージョン submersion
放射線リスクコミュニケーション 相談員支援センター Support center for social workers engaged in recovery from the nuclear disaster
不当表示 misleading representation


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