代表的個人 representative person
福島周辺における空間線量率の測定と評価 個人の外部被ばく線量評価の現状と課題
斎藤 公明, 高原 省五, 植頭 康裕, 福島の環境回復に向けた取り組み, 日本原子力学会誌ATOMOΣ, 2018, 60 巻, 2 号, p. 111-115
ICRP2007 年勧告の国内制度等への取入れ状況について(案)
ICRP Publication 101a: Assessing Dose of the Representative Person for the Purpose of the Radiation Protection of the Public
3.1. Definition of the representative person
(57) Dose to the public must be estimated using environmental concentrations or exposure rates and appropriate habit data. Therefore, for the purpose of protection of the public, it is necessary to define a person to be used for determining compliance with the dose constraint. This is the representative person. This individual, who will almost always be a hypothetical construct, receives a dose that is representative of the more highly exposed individuals in the population. The representative person is equivalent to, and replaces, the average member of the critical group recommended previously by the Commission (ICRP, 1985).
(58) In considering dose to the representative person, a number of factors should be taken into account: (1) the dose assessment must address all relevant pathways of exposure; (2) the dose assessment must consider spatial distribution of radionuclides to ensure that the individuals receiving the higher exposures are included in the assessment; (3) habit data should be based on the population exposed and must be reasonable, sustainable, and homogeneous; and (4) appropriate dose coefficients have to be applied to specific age categories. Once these factors are taken into account, and depending on the assessment approach employed (deterministic, probabilistic, or a mixture of these), the representative person is identified and used to determine compliance. Additional elaboration follows on each of these factors.
Social issue
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・規制免除 exemption
・線量再構築 dose reconstruction
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・子孫核種 progeny nuclide
・余命損失 Loss of life expectancy
・県民健康調査 Fukushima Health Survey
・安定ヨウ素剤 stable iodine tablets
・サブマージョン submersion
・放射線リスクコミュニケーション 相談員支援センター Support center for social workers engaged in recovery from the nuclear disaster
・不当表示 misleading representation