卵母細胞や卵原細胞はどうでしょうか? | |
遺伝性影響の放射線の影響が生殖細胞を介して次世代に伝えられることなので、卵子だけなく、卵母細胞や卵原細胞が放射線に照射された場合もおこるのではないかということですね | |
細胞が放射線に照射されると何かしらの影響を受けることがあると聞きます | |
放射線の遺伝性影響は確認されていないのでリスクが小さいと考えられますが、動物実験も行われています |
RERF: DNA二次元電気泳動法を用いた放射線のラット未熟卵母細胞に及ぼす遺伝的影響評価:ヒト女性被曝の動物モデル実験
兼子 智. ヒト精子DNA損傷測定とDNA損傷精子の排除
Yeager M, Machiela MJ, Kothiyal P, Dean M, Bodelon C, Suman S, Wang M, Mirabello L, Nelson CW, Zhou W, Palmer C, Ballew B, Colli LM, Freedman ND, Dagnall C, Hutchinson A, Vij V, Maruvka Y, Hatch M, Illienko I, Belayev Y, Nakamura N, Chumak V, Bakhanova E, Belyi D, Kryuchkov V, Golovanov I, Gudzenko N, Cahoon EK, Albert P, Drozdovitch V, Little MP, Mabuchi K, Stewart C, Getz G, Bazyka D, Berrington de Gonzalez A, Chanock SJ. Lack of transgenerational effects of ionizing radiation exposure from the Chernobyl accident. Science. 2021 May 14;372(6543):725-729
Risk of death among children of atomic bomb survivors after 62 years of follow-up: a cohort study
中村 典, 原爆放射線の健康影響, 保健物理, 2000, 35 巻, 2 号, p. 217-223, 公開日 2010/02/25, Online ISSN 1884-7560, Print ISSN 0367-6110
放影研報告書 No. 14-15 「放射線影響研究所の F1 郵便調査についての第一報」に関する概要報告
広島原爆被爆者の子供における白血病発生について (特集 第53回原子爆弾後障害研究会講演集)
Detection of de novo single nucleotide variants in offspring of atomic-bomb survivors close to the hypocenter by whole-genome sequencing
Chernobyl clean-up workersの子どもでの影響を調べた結果がレビューされています。
EU scientific seminar November 2017: The seminar on epigenetic effects and potential impact on radiation protection took place on 8 November 2017 and included presentations on...
* General Introduction to Epigenetics for Radiation Protectionists
* Introduction to epigenetic effects and ionising radiation
* Trans-generational effects
* Non coding RNAs: a new mechanism to regulate sensitivity to ionizing radiation?
* The presentations were followed by a round table discussion, in which the speakers, invited additional experts and the Article 31 group of experts discussed potential policy implications and research needs
* Chemical agents and radiation (Leon Mullenders)
* CEREBRAD & Epigenetics (Rafi Benotmane)
* Transgenerational & epigenetic effects (Christelle Adam)
Niwa, O. Induced genomic instability in irradiated germ cells and in the offspring; reconciling discrepancies among the human and animal studies. Oncogene 22, 7078–7086 (2003) doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1207037
Amrenova A, Ainsbury E, Baudin C, Giussani A, Lochard J, Rühm W, Scholz-Kreisel P, Trott K, Vaillant L, Wakeford R, Zölzer F, Laurier D. Consideration of hereditary effects in the radiological protection system: evolution and current status. Int J Radiat Biol. 2024 Jan 8:1-13. doi: 10.1080/09553002.2023.2295289. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38190433.
The genetic effects of Chernobyl radiation exposure
Task Group 121. Effects of Ionising Radiation Exposure in Offspring and Next Generations
Members of the Task Group have published a number of papers during the development of the work:
Stephens, J., Moorhouse, A. J., Craenen, K., et al. (2024). A systematic review of human evidence for the intergenerational effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. DOI 10.1080/09553002.2024.2306328
Amrenova, A., Baudin, C., Ostroumova, E., et al. (2024). Intergenerational effects of ionizing radiation: review of recent studies from human data (2018–2021). Int. J. Radiat. Biol. DOI 10.1080/09553002.2024.2309917
Amrenova, A., Ainsbury, E., Baudin, C., et al. (2024). Consideration of hereditary effects in the radiological protection system: evolution and current status. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. DOI 10.1080/09553002.2023.2295289
Zölzer, F., Schneider, T., Ainsbury, E., et al. (2023). Ethical and societal aspects of radiological protection for offspring and next generations. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. DOI 10.1080/09553002.2023.2281523
Degenhardt, Ä., Dumit, S., & Giussani, A. (2023). Effects of ionising radiation exposure in offspring and next generations: dosimetric aspects and uncertainties. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. DOI 10.1080/09553002.2023.2280017
Nakamura, N., Yoshida, N., & Suwa, T. (2023). Three major reasons why transgenerational effects of radiation are difficult to detect in humans. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. DOI 10.1080/09553002.2023.2187478
1.4. Exposure to radiation can also induce the non-lethal transformation of cells, which may still retain their capacity for cell division. The human body’s immune system is very effective at detecting and destroying abnormal cells. However, there is a possibility that the non-lethal transformation of a cell could lead, after a latency period, to cancer in the individual exposed, if the cell is a somatic cell; or such a transformation of a cell could lead to hereditary effects, if the cell is a germ cell. Such effects are called ‘stochastic’ effects. For the purposes of these Standards, it is assumed that the probability of the eventual occurrence of a stochastic effect is proportional to the dose received, with no threshold. The ‘detriment-adjusted nominal risk coefficient of dose’, which includes the risks of all cancers and the risks of hereditary effects, is 5% per sievert [2]. This risk coefficient may need to be adjusted as new scientific knowledge becomes available.
2001報告書の付属書: Hereditary effects
種類 | 頻度 |
常染色体優性 | 150 |
常染色体劣性 | 75 |
X染色体連鎖 | 15 |
染色体性 | 40 |
多因子性 | 40 |
先天異常 | 600 |
慢性 | 6500 |
子どもの放射線被ばくの影響と今後の課題 ─現在の科学的知見を福島で生かすために─, 学術の動向, 2018, 23 巻, 5 号, p. 5_77, 公開日 2018/09/14, Online ISSN 1884-7080, Print ISSN 1342-3363
Social issue
・ALPS treated water
・線量線量率効果 dose and dose rate effectiveness factor: DDREF
・倫理的・法的・社会的問題 Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Implications) (ELSI)
・県民健康調査 Fukushima Health Survey
・検出限界値以下 LTD : less than detectable
・ホット・パーティクル hot particle
・子孫核種 progeny nuclide
・余命損失 Loss of life expectancy
・県民健康調査 Fukushima Health Survey
・安定ヨウ素剤 stable iodine tablets
・サブマージョン submersion
・放射線リスクコミュニケーション 相談員支援センター Support center for social workers engaged in recovery from the nuclear disaster
・不当表示 misleading representation
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